
Gong Therapy

Karma Yoga offers private and group sessions to receive the healing of the gong. The gong is often played during class as well.

The gong is a powerful, energy force that allows us to move beyond the boundaries of the mind. The universe is powered by sound. Our minds were created by this sound, too, and during our lives we build up an unmanageable level of clutter in the mind that blocks the frequency of the sounds we should be hearing. The gong is the first and last instrument for the human mind; it supersedes the mind, gets beyond the barriers erected by a lifetime of unconscious posturing.

It takes 3 to 90 seconds for the sound of the gong to overtake the mind. Then, we become free of conditioned, habitual patterns driven by perceptual filters of our magnetic energy field. Only then can we experience new realms of our own being. This is the true flexibility of yoga – the beginning of the union of the finite within the infinite. Not an instrument or a drum, the gong is a beautiful, reinforced vibration.

Since we are all made up of energy, our souls respond to the vibrations of the gong and lift, soaring, beyond the known world to the Divine. When the gong is played, its vibration causes every cell in our bodies to resonate, to dance, to release blockages that have kept us from growing. Then we are on our way to fulfillment, harmony and love.

Regular listening to the gong will re-pattern your magnetic field, open you to the vastness of your own psyche, and release you from all that prevents you from living a life of complete and utter happiness. (Information courtesy of Harijiwan, www.harijiwan.com/gong)


Initial session would be 60-75 minutes for totally new clients to gong therapy.

Follow up or repeat sessions can be shorter–a kind of tune-up!


Minimum session (1 – 4 people):
45 minutes                $85
60 minutes               $110
75  minutes              $135
90 minutes               $165


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