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Contracts on the Spiritual Path

July 27, 2013
I meet a lot one on one with people for spiritual guidance.  I also sponsor people in a 12-step program.  9 times out of ten they are always having their stuff come up with relationships.

New Age Wedding: "I Do" to "I Am"

July 26, 2013
I attended a beautiful wedding recently; let's say a sacred union for spiritual partnership, to be more correct. This is probably the first wedding I've attended, other than one at which I recently officiated, that the two souls were coming together with the conscious understanding of growing and evolving as individuals on a spiritual path. That's a mouthful.  But this is truly what a healthy, conscious and successful marriage can be like. These two people have individually been on the path of awakening for quite a long time.  Many years of learning, studying, meditating, and life's lessons...

Elevate instead of Medicate

July 18, 2013
Looking outside of ourselves to feel better is more common than white on rice. Before I came to yoga and meditation, that was my old operating system, complete with lots of software to train my focus outside of myself rather than looking inward for answers. Whether it's in our DNA or from family or environmental conditioning, that way of living is a dead-end road to never feeling happy or fulfilled. Medicating comes in many forms: alcohol, drugs, smoking, shopping, gambling, food, video games, iPhones, surfing the web, TV, controlling, gossiping, and co-dependency, to name a few. We all have...

Come on Baby Light My Fire!...Maybe

July 14, 2013
How's your digestion? Not usually the most common question asked when we chat with someone, LOL, unless you are in the yoga/ayurveda community!  It's too funny to observe how we yogis talk; it's like we're from another planet.  We are always looking at things as energy and how they affect our body, mind and spirit. I've been struggling a bit lately with my fire. Fire in the belly is  good for certain people and not so good for others.  For me, being of vata constitution, keeping a fire in the belly is a daily practice. I grew up thinking that this was just the way I was. Slow digestion,...

Parenting, self-care and beyond

July 4, 2013
Recently, I've been talking with my prenatal mammas about the importance of self-care and also keeping your girlfriends or friends in general in your life as they embark on parenthood.  Most are first time moms-to-be. As a mother of three grown sons, I've experienced how powerful this asana is.  Over the years I've seen so many women and some men lose themselves in raising their children.  Our children are really only "on loan" to us from Spirit to raise for a short 18 years or so. Some lose themselves so much that when their children leave for college they feel completely lost and depressed. So...

The Yoga of Aging - Sa Ta Na Ma

July 2, 2013
Recently, I was at a life care community in southern Florida, visiting my parents.  It started out as a simple visit to my parents' new home, but it turned into a much deeper experience that surprised me. I arrived to find my parents, after two difficult years of illness, looking so good, healthy and happy.  They decided to make the move to a life care community for the support they really need. None of us four children live nearby.  My Dad has several disabilities now, so this is much safer and freer for him.  Mom is still in good health.  This allows her to maintain her life as she knows...

"Take Your Passion and Make It Happen"

July 1, 2013
A Facebook friend recently shared this on my timeline and I loved it!  Now you might say: "that's easy if you're lucky, born into the right family, blah, blah, blah." When we're still caught up on the human realm of thinking that WILL be true. We are really limiting the universe in supporting our dreams and desires. We literally pinch them off!  We are scared. It's not the Truth. The ego always speaks first and speaks the loudest.  It will talk us out of anything that could make us feel uncomfortable or create growth. When we're feeling nervous or uncomfortable we're growing!  It's a good...

It's Never Too Late To Meditate

June 28, 2013
After two challenging years, my parents recently moved into a senior living complex where they can live independently but receive support when they need it.  It wasn't an easy decision, but one they knew they had to make. I planned a trip to see their new home, and it wasn't long before my mother asked if I would teach a meditation class for their community. I love how my parents embrace the work I do now. When I first got into yoga and meditation, it was so foreign to them, that I fielded fearful comments wondering if yoga was a cult or a religion and what was I "getting" into? So I arrived...

Being of Service: Letting vs. Getting

June 26, 2013
Once again, we look at the surface world and think that's what's going on....... never.  Divine order is always the order of business, nothing else. I thought I went to northern Michigan in late May for a yoga retreat but a bigger plan was in action.  It was time to make many new friends among the students and even more among the staff.  Time to share and turn on the light for many.  The yoga was secondary.  Just the tool for a bigger job. If we stepped on to a yoga mat in this lifetime, it was surely to fully realize and step into our role as a lightworker on this planet.  It's a lifetime...

Behind the Scenes of Our First Living Karma Y

June 25, 2013
Here are some Behind the Scenes photos from the very first filming of Katherine Austin's brand new TV show, Living Karma Yoga, with special guests Lynn Medow, Mindy Eisenberg, Melvin Belovicz and Lynne Golodner, who turns the tables and interviews Katherine on her trip to India. These episodes will air on Bloomfield Community TV later this summer. The TV show is produced with the help of Zack Florance, Katherine Austin and the Your People LLC team, including publicist Lynne Meredith Golodner, Michael Hnatiuk and Allison Batdorff. Photography by Michael Hnatiuk, Your People LLC.
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