Support your path to wellness through individual guidance and a practice specifically designed with your needs in mind. Whether an injury prevents you from participating in a scheduled class, or an illness is challenging your ability to function, or you just enjoy one-on-one consideration, this individualized instruction is available to support your journey.

Proper physical alignment decreases skeletal and muscular stress. Proper breathing increases a sense of harmony and well-being. Yoga by Design emphasizes both. Through the dual processes of self-awareness and conscious movement, healing can begin.

In a gradual, progressive program tailored to fit individual needs, this path to wellness guides the student to recognize their innate ability to heal. With this understanding, optimum wellness may be realized.

Yoga by Design is offered by Lynn Medow, RYT. She has trained with Jonny Kest, John Friend and Tim Miller with ongoing inspiration provided by Barb Heuerman and Mitchell Bleier. She holds teacher certification through Jonny Kest. Lynn has a background in dance and theatre and spent 22 years in the field of social work supporting people with developmental disabilities to reach their fullest potential. Her compassionate teaching draws from her eclectic background as well as her study of the Anusara yoga principles of alignment and therapeutics.


$75.00 – Private Session
$100.00 – Group Session* **

* 4 week sessions, 1 class per week, Maximum 4 students. Advanced registration & payment required

** The student is asked to schedule at least one private session before entering a group class.