Lynn Medow

Lynn Medow, E-RYT 500, received her initial certification through Jonny Kest, in Birmingham, MI in 2001 and her 300 level certification with an emphasis on Yoga Therapy from the Ananda Seva Mission in Santa Rosa, California in 2007. She has studied with many a fine teacher and gives special credit to all the fine Anusara instructors with whom she has spent innumerable training and class hours. She acknowledges Doug Keller as her primary inspiration in her practice of Yoga Therapy. Lynn has a background in dance and theatre and spent 22 years in the field of social work supporting people with developmental disabilities to reach their fullest potential.

Lynn is known as a compassionate teacher who supports individuals on their journey to healing and wholeness. As the owner of Yoga by Design, her pioneering approach to individualized teaching and therapeutics has earned her a reputation for being the "go-to" person when it comes to questions ofhealing.

Lynn has appeared as a model in Like Stanza in a Poem/Yoga at the Wall by Nancy McCoachan. Her first DVD, Yoga for Graceful Aging, will be available in fall 2009. 

For more information visit Lynn at:

or view her Facebook page at: