Karma Workshops with Katherine Austin

Introduction to Ashtanga

This class will explore the history and foundations of this ancient healing system. A brief discussion and short form practice of the primary series will begin the "flow" for the weekend.

Ashtanga Primary Series

Experience this unique system of synchronized breath and movement. With a teacher led class through the flow of the primary series we will explore this powerful union to bring about a lighter and stronger body and clear mind.

Layer By Layer

Deepen your knowledge of Short Form Ashtanga by breaking down the postures as well as learning proper alignment. We will also uncover the modifications necessary to help all students receive the gifts of this practice.

Just Adjustments

Learn the 5 different ways to give and receive adjustments. In addition, we will explore, by partnering, the safe and effective way of giving "hands on adjustments" that allow all students to experience a deep level of awareness within their practice. (Open to all workshop participants.)

"Fearasana" Inversion Workshop

When your teacher says headstand or handstand do you feel the need to run to the restroom? Learning to remain steady "sthira" and joyful "sukha" when your world is upside down is an integral part of your yoga practice. In addition to covering headstand, handstand, forearm stand, shoulder stand (plus bonus: chakrasana) with props, walls and partners we will also practice poses that help strengthen your upper body and core awareness. All levels welcome!