Special Events


Breathe, Empty, Attune, Transform: A Costa Rican Spring Renewal for Women

Saturday March 28, 2015
to Saturday April 4, 2015
with Nancy McCaochan
$1495 triple occupancy
$1595 double occupancy
$2195 single occupancy

To everything there is a season and a rhythm. The sun rises and sets, the earth turns on its axis. Days grow short and then long again. The heart beats and beats and beats–opening and closing with the circumstances of life and our reactions to them.

In this week, designed exclusively for women, we’ll focus on the chakras. Chakra energy radiates from every cell, fluidly interacting with and influencing our thoughts, moods, health and bodily functions. Through daily living, these doorways of consciousness often become congested, which restricts our sense of well-being and makes us forget who we truly are.

At Blue Osa, www.blueosa.com ocean breezes, tropical sun and an abundance of prana support the activities of this “working vacation” in which we’ll utilize the techniques of Hatha and Kundalini Yoga to breathe, empty, attune and transform.

Healthy, farm-to-table meals, plenty of time for R&R, state-of-the-art spa services and an eco-adventure further help us come home to ourselves.

All levels welcome. No prior yoga experience needed.

Information/Registration: www.bubblingbrookyoga.com





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