Special Events


Kundalini Mantras meet Epic Sound Healing

Sunday July 13, 2014
with Crown of Eternity
4:30 - 6:30
Cost $30

Delve deeply into the healing current of sound with Crown of Eternity’s unique blend of sacred mantra, delicate washes of guitar, complex gong harmonics and multi-layered, chorus-like vocals. A vibrational experience like no other, you’ll tune into your inner self-healer. Through the power of your own voice and deep listening you will be invited to experience states of harmony and bliss.

Crown of Eternity is a duo comprised of accomplished musicians and sound healers Mike (Harnek Singh) and Gallina (Harnek Kaur) Tamburo whose love of music, kundalini yoga and the gong combine to set the foundation of their marriage, musical collaboration, teaching, and healing center. Together, they’ve developed their own style of devotional music that weaves Gurmukhi mantras with a transformative tapestry of sound that blends Ambient, Psychedelic, Shoegaze, Slowcore, Looping and Ecstatic music into a form that is uniquely their own. For more information visit http://www.crownofeternity.com

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